Power Quality

Utilities need to better leverage power quality data in order to optimize system performance. However, many lack the internal resources to devote to strategic planning specifically around the use of power quality data. Even with internal resources, there are times utility companies need an external consultant to come in and provide a technically vetted solution.

Lifescale Analytics Approach

Lifescale employed a three-phased approach to help the customer develop a strategic roadmap for better-using Power Quality data within their utility. The phases consisted of a road map review, a staff workshop, and the development of a final roadmap. Using this approach gave high confidence in developing an actionable roadmap.

Lifescale employed a three-phased approach to help the customer develop a strategic roadmap for better-using Power Quality data within their utility. The phases consisted of a road map review, a staff workshop, and the development of a final roadmap. Using this approach gave high confidence in developing an actionable roadmap.

After the review phase, stakeholder interviews were conducted with a variety of teams within the utility: Planning, Operations, Customer Account Management, and others. Feedback from these organizations enabled a much more detailed set of goals and needs to be communicated.

In the final phase, the information collected in phases one and two were assimilated into a cohesive, actionable roadmap for the customer. The results were shared via a formal report. The report was used by internal staff to develop internal messaging for key stakeholders.

Benefit to the Business

The client had the benefit of a completely viable plan. The plan identified existing capabilities, desired future states, gaps, and provided an action plan to move the customer from the current state to the desired future state. The plan included duration, success criteria, staffing requirements, preliminary budgets, and timeframes. This enabled executives and key stakeholders to integrate the outcomes into the corporate business plan.