Cyber Asset Platform

Access The Power of Data in One Consolidated Location

As companies grow, the availability and management of data play a pivotal role in determining overall cybersecurity posture and ability to protect against cyber threats. A consolidated visualization of asset locations and stability is vital for monitoring and responding to cyber threats. In large organizations, dashboarding technologies often demand specialized skills to create and maintain actionable cyber intelligence, leading to inefficiencies and poor performance with increased data volume and complexity.

Introducing the Cyber Asset Platform

The Cyber Asset Platform solution is a dashboard portal specifically engineered to consolidate cyber data across multiple sources, enabling you to visualize cyber asset information using a top-down view of assets across multiple divisions. What differentiates the Cyber Asset Platform from other

The Solution

Contact Lifescale Analytics to learn how the Cyber Asset Platform can help your organization reduce risk, cost, and issue resolution time while improving the baseline for resource planning.